When it comes to visual imagery, white space refers to the areas without any text or images. In order for our design to function and attract the eye, we need to use white space rhythmically with used space.
The space between design elements which is added for emphasis and structure is called “active white space.” It is considered asymmetrical and assists the design in appearing more dynamic. The white space between words on a line of the space surrounding a graphic is known as “passive white space.” Although it may seem that active white space carries more weight as a visual element, passive white space is also important in how it works with a design.
Despite its name, white space doesn’t necessarily have to be white, it must just consist of emptiness. The power of white space in visual imagery is that is can evoke emotions in designs by adding drama and emotion. Some clients consider white space in an advertisement to be wasted space that could be used to display more information or visual elements. However, design theory promotes the use of white space to display elegance and ensure a quality user experience. Humans are not robots and can become easily overwhelmed with an overabundance of information. White space not only calms us and allows us to breathe, but it allows our eye to move freely around the design and can make or break an image. It is crucial to find the right balance between white space and the rest of the elements making up an image in order to hold the readers’ attention and to keep the design from looking too busy.
White space is also categorized depending on the density of the micro white space used and how it relates to macro white space. The small spaces in between the design elements (the spaces between lines and paragraphs) are known as micro white space. This type of white space impacts content legibility and allows people to read and process text more easily. Macro white space, on the other hand, is defined as the larger spaces between the more crucial layout elements, as well as the space surrounding the design. Macro space is powerful in containing the design as a whole and is easy to notice. This kind of visual simplicity is not only calming, but it is not overwhelming and allows the viewer to concentrate and focus on the overall message.
White space is a strong tool to use in order to enhance the user experience. As a designer, one must be aware of how white space impacts the content, design, user, and brand of a company However, as long as white space is used properly, it can provide many visual advantages.